叉叉电子书 > 文学电子书 > new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版) >


new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第15章

小说: new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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ancestors。 Just stories; folklore; to 
most of them。 Then there were the few that believed。 Charlie's good friend 
Billy Black believed; though 
even Jacob; his own son; thought he was full of stupid superstitions。 Billy 
had warned me to stay away 
from the Cullens 
The name stirred something inside me; something that began to claw its way 
toward the surface; 
something I knew I didn't want to face。 
〃It's ridiculous;〃 Charlie spluttered。 
We sat in silence for a moment。 The sky was no longer black outside the 
window。 Somewhere behind 
the rain; the sun was beginning to rise。 
〃Bella?〃 Charlie asked。 
I looked at him uneasily。 
〃He left you alone in the woods?〃 Charlie guessed。 
I deflected his question。 〃How did you know where to find me?〃 My mind shied 
away from the inevitable 
awareness that was ing; ing quickly now。 
〃Your note;〃 Charlie answered。 surprised。 He reached into the back pocket of 
his jeans and pulled out a 
much…abused piece of paper。 It was dirty and damp; with multiple creases from 
being opened and 
refolded many times。 He unfolded it again; and held it up as evidence。 The 
messy handwriting was 
remarkably close to my own。 
Going for a walk with Edward; up the path; it said。 Back soon; B。 
〃When you didn't e back; I called the Cullens; and no one answered;〃 
Charlie said in a low voice。 
〃Then I called the hospital; and Dr。 Gerandy told me that Carlisle was gone。〃 
〃Where did they go?〃 I mumbled。 
He stared at me。 〃Didn't Edward tell you?〃 
I shook my head; recoiling。 The sound of his name unleashed the thing that was 
clawing inside of me—a 
pain that knocked me breathless; astonished me with its force。 
Charlie eyed me doubtfully as he answered。 〃Carlisle took a job with a big 
hospital in Los Angeles。 I 
guess they threw a lot of money at him。〃 
Sunny L。A。 The last place they would really go。 I remembered my nightmare with 
the mirror the bright 
sunlight shimmering off of his skin— 
Agony ripped through me with the memory of his face。 
〃I want to know if Edward left you alone out there in the middle of the 
woods;〃 Charlie insisted。 
His name sent another wave of torture through me。 I shook my head; frantic; 
desperate to escape the 
pain。 〃It was my fault。 He left me right here on the trail; in sight of the 
house but I tried to follow him。〃 
Charlie started to say something; childishly; I covered my ears。 〃I can't talk 
about this anymore; Dad。 I 
want to go to my room。〃 
Before he could answer; I scrambled up from the couch and lurched my way up 
the stairs。 
Someone had been in the house to leave a note for Charlie; a note that would 
lead him to find me。 From 
the minute that I'd realized this; a horrible suspicion began to grow in my 
head。 I rushed to my room; 
shutting and locking the door behind me before I ran to the CD player by my 
Everything looked exactly the same as I'd left it。 I pressed down on the top 
of the CD player。 The latch 
unhooked; and the lid slowly swung open。 
It was empty。 
The album Renee had given me sat on the floor beside the bed; just where I'd 
put it last。 I lifted the cover 
with a shaking hand。 
I didn't have to flip any farther than the first page。 The little metal 
corners no longer held a picture in 
place。 The page was blank except for my own handwriting scrawled across the 
bottom: Edward Cullen; 
Charlie's kitchen; Sept。 13th。 
I stopped there。 I was sure that he would have been very thorough。 
It will be as if I'd never existed; he'd promised me。 
I felt the smooth wooden floor beneath my knees; and then the palms of my 
hands; and then it was 
pressed against the skin of my cheek。 I hoped that I was fainting; but; to my 
disappointment; I didn't lose 
consciousness。 The waves of pain that had only lapped at me before now reared 
high up and washed 
over my head; pulling me under。 
I did not resurface。 
TIME PASSES。 EVEN WHEN IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE。 EVEN when each tick of the second 
aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise。 It passes unevenly; in strange 
lurches and dragging lulls; but 
pass it does。 Even for me。 
I looked up from my cereal; which I was pondering rather than eating; and 
stared at Charlie in shock。 I 
hadn't been following the conversation—actually; I hadn't been aware that we 
were having a 
conversation—and I wasn't sure what he meant。 
〃I am home;〃 I mumbled; confused。 
〃I'm sending you to Renee; to Jacksonville;〃 he clarified。 
Charlie watched with exasperation as I slowly grasped the meaning of his 
〃What did I do?〃 I felt my face crumple。 It was so unfair。 My behavior had 
been above reproach for the 
past four months。 After that first week; which neither of us ever mentioned; I 
hadn't missed a day of 
school or work。 My grades were perfect。 I never broke curfew—I never went 
anywhere from which to 
break curfew in the first place。 I only very rarely served leftovers。 
Charlie was scowling。 
〃You didn't do anything。 That's the problem。 You never do anything。〃 
〃You want me to get into trouble?〃 I wondered; my eyebrows pulling together in 
mystification。 I made an 
effort to pay attention。 It wasn't easy。 I was so used to tuning everything 
out; my ears felt stopped up。 
〃Trouble would be better than this this moping around all the time!〃 
That stung a bit。 I'd been careful to avoid all forms of moroseness; moping 
〃I am not moping around。〃 
〃Wrong word;〃 he grudgingly conceded。 〃Moping would be better—that would be 
doing something。 
You're just lifeless; Bella。 I think that's the word I want。〃 
This accusation struck home。 I sighed and tried to put some animation into my 
〃I'm sorry; Dad。〃 My apology sounded a little flat; even to me。 I'd thought 
I'd been fooling him。 Keeping 
Charlie from suffering was the whole point of all this effort。 How depressing 
to think that the effort had 
been wasted。 
〃I don't want you to apologize。〃 
I sighed。 〃Then tell me what you do want me to do。〃 
〃Bella;〃 he hesitated; scrutinizing my reaction to his next words。 〃Honey; 
you're not the first person to go 
through this kind of thing; you know。〃 
〃I know that。〃 My acpanying grimace was limp and unimpressive。 
〃Listen; honey。 I think that—that maybe you need some help。〃 
He paused; searching for the words again。 〃When your mother left;〃 he began; 
frowning; 〃and took you 
with her。〃 He inhaled deeply。 〃Well; that was a really bad time for me。〃 
〃I know; Dad;〃 I mumbled。 
〃But I handled it;〃 he pointed out。 〃Honey; you're not handling it。 I waited; 
I hoped it would get better。〃 
He stared at me and I looked down quickly。 〃I think we both know it's not 
getting better。〃 
He ignored me。 〃Maybe; well; maybe if you talked to someone about it。 A 
〃You want me to see a shrink?〃 My voice was a shade sharper as I realized what 
he was getting at。 
〃Maybe it would help。〃 
〃And maybe it wouldn't help one little bit。〃 
I didn't know much about psychoanalysis; but I was pretty sure that it didn't 
work unless the subject was 
relatively honest。 Sure; I could tell the truth—if I wanted to spend the rest 
of my life in a padded cell。 
He examined my obstinate expression; and switched to another line of attack。 
〃It's beyond me; Bella。 Maybe your mother—〃 
〃Look;〃 I said in a flat voice。 〃I'll go out tonight; if you want。 I'll call 
Jess or Angela。〃 
〃That's not what I want;〃 he argued; frustrated。 〃I don't think I can live 
through seeing you try harder。 
I've never seen anyone trying so hard。 It hurts to watch。〃 
I pretended to be dense; looking down at the table。 〃I don't understand; Dad。 
First you're mad because 
I'm not doing anything; and then you say you don't want me to go out。〃 
〃I want you to be happy—no; not even that much。 I just want you not to be 
miserable。 I think you'll have 
a better chance if you get out of Forks。〃 
My eyes flashed up with the first small spark of feeling I'd had in too long 
to contemplate。 
〃I'm not leaving;〃 I said。 
〃Why not?〃 he demanded。 
〃I'm in my last semester of scho

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