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  费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基(1821—1881), 19世纪俄国伟大的小说家、思想家。在法国资产阶级革命思潮影响下,他早年曾醉心于空想社会主义,参加了彼得堡进步知识分子组织的彼得拉舍夫斯基小组的革命活动。1849年,陀思妥耶夫斯基被控阴谋叛国,判处死刑。临刑前一刻,收到沙皇的敕令,他被改判流放西伯利亚。这生与死之间的短短几秒给陀思妥耶夫斯基留下了不可磨灭的印象,之后他的作品一改往日风格,创作重点转向心理悲剧。他擅长心理剖析,尤其是揭示内心分裂,对人类肉体与精神痛苦的震撼人心的描写是其他作家无法企及的。他的矛盾性格组合、深层心理活动描写对后世作家产生了深远影响。
  难道我将再也不能动手写作了吗?我想,四年之后,我很可能继续写作。我的上帝啊,如果我写了任何东西,我一定会把它们全都寄给你。啊!有多少存在于我脑海里的全新创作灵感将会凋谢,将会消失;或者;将作为一种毒素消融在我的血液里。是的,如果我不能写作的话,我一定会死掉的。最好是拿枝笔在监狱里待上十五年。。 最好的txt下载网

  如果我给任何人留有不好的记忆, 如果我同任何一个人争吵过,或者如果我给任何一个人造成了不愉快的印象,告诉他们忘掉这些吧——如果你能遇见他们的话。现在,我心里没有任何怨恨或者敌意,此时此刻,我应该拥抱我以前的每一位朋友,向他们表达深深的爱意。那是一种安慰,在今天临死之前; 向我亲爱的朋友说再见时,我亲自体验到了它……
  Fyodor Dostoevsky
  The Peter and Paul Fortress;
  December 22; 1849
  Mihail Mihaliovich Dostoevsky;
  Nevsky Prospect; opposite Gryazny Street;in the house of Neslind
  Brother; my precious friend! all is settled! I am sentenced to four years' hard labor in the fortress (I believe; of Orenburg); and after that to serve as a private。 Today; the 22nd of December; we were taken to the Semionov Drill Ground。 There the sentence of death was read to all of us; we were told to kiss the Cross; our swords were broken over our heads; and our last toilet was made (white shirts)。 Then three were tied to the pillar for execution。 I was the sixth。 Three at a time were called out; consequently; I was in the second batch and no more than a minute was left me to live。
  I remembered you; brother; and all yours; during the last minute you; you alone; were in my mind; only then I realized how I love you; dear brother mine! I also managed to embrace Plescheyev and Durov who stood close to me; and to say goodby to them。 Finally the retreat was sounded; and those tied to the pillar were led back; and it was announced to us that His Imperial Majesty granted us our lives。 Then followed the present sentences。 Palm alone has been pardoned; and returns with his old rank to the army。 。 想看书来

I was just told; dear brother; that today or tomorrow we are to be sent off。 I asked to see you。 But I was told that this was impossible; I may only write you this letter: make haste and give me a reply as soon as you can。
  I am afraid that you may somehow have got to know of our death sentence。 From the windows of the prison van; when we were taken to the Semionov Drill Ground; I saw a multitude of people; perhaps the news reached you; and you suffered for me。 Now you will be easier on my account。
  Brother! I have not bee downhearted or lowspirited。 Life is everywhere ; life in ourselves; not in what is outside us。 There will be people near me; and to be a man among people and remain a man forever; not to be downhearted nor to fall in whatever misfortunes may befall me—this is life; this is the task of life。 I have realized this。 This idea has entered into my flesh and into my blood。
  Kiss your wife and children。 Remind them of me continually; see that they do not forget me。 Perhaps; we shall yet meet some time! Brother; take care of yourself and of your family; live quietly and carefully。 Think of the future of your children…
  And maybe; we shall meet again some time; brother! Take care of yourself; go on living; for the love of God; until we meet。 Perhaps some time we shall embrace each other and recall our youth; our golden time that was; our youth and our hopes; which at this very instant I am tearing out from my heart with my blood; to bury them。
  Can it indeed be that I shall never take a pen into my hands? I think that after the four years there may be a possibility。 I shall send you everything that I may write; if I write anything; my God! How many imaginations; lived through by me; created by me anew; will perish; will be extinguished in my brain or will be spilt as poison in my blood! Yes; if I am not allowed to write; I shall perish。 Better fifteen years of prison with a pen in my hands!
  Write to me more often; write more details,more; more facts。 In every letter write about all kinds of family details; of trifles; don't forget。 This will give me hope and

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