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小说: 外贸英语900句 字数: 每页3500字

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Canadian Dollar (Can。 ) 加拿大元 
Deutsche Mark (DM) 德国马克 
Australian Dollar (A) 澳大利亚元 
Japanese Yen (¥) 日圆 
Austrian Schilling (Sch。) 奥地利先令 
French Franc (F。F) 法国法郎 
Italian Lira (Lire) 意大利里拉 
Danish Krone (E。Kr。)丹麦克郎 
Florin (Guilder) H。Fl。 (D。Fi。)。 荷兰盾 
Norwegian Krone (N。Kr。) 挪威克郎 
Swedish Krone (S。Kr。) 瑞典克郎 
Belgian Franc (BF) 比利时法郎 
Swiss Franc (S。Fr。 or S。F。) 瑞典法郎 
to be equivalent to 相当于 
to employ 用。。。计价,采用。。。 
exchange rate 汇率 
I can give you a definite answer on the price terms。 
You wish to have a discussion of the price terms of washers。 
Yes; all of the price terms are acomeptable。 
C。I。F。 is the price term normally adopted by you; right? 
Sometimes F。O。B。 and C&F are also employed。 
You said yesterday that the price was 60/mt; C。I。F。 Brussels。 
您昨天说价格定为每公吨60英镑C。I。F。 布鲁塞尔。 
In case F。O。B。 is used; risks and charges are to be passed over to the buyers once the cargo is put on board the ship。 
Your price is ed C&F Xingang at DM200 per washer; right? 
Words and Phrases 
price terms 价格条款 
F。O。B。 Free On Board “船上交货价”或称“离岸价格” 
C。I。F。 Cost; Insurance and Freight “成本加保险费、运费”或“到岸价格” 
C&F Cost and Freight “成本加运费”或“离岸加运费”价格 
F。O。B。 Liner Terms F。O。B。 班轮条件 
F。O。B。 Stowed 船上交货并理舱 
F。O。B。 Trimmed 船上交货并平舱 
F。O。B。 Under Tackle F。O。B。吊钩下交货 
C。I。F。 Liner terms C。I。F。班轮条件 
C。I。F。 Ex Ship''s Hold C。I。F。舱底交货 
F。O。B。 plane 飞机离岸价(用于紧急情况) 
acomeptable 可以接受的,可以使用的 
to pass over 转给,转嫁 
to adopt; to employ; to use (某种价格术语)采用某种价格 
FOR…Free on Rail 火车交货价 
FOT…Free on Truck 汽车交货价 
FAS…Free Alongside Ship 船边交货价 
Ex Factory 工厂交货价 
Ex Plantation 农场交货价 
Ex Warehouse 仓库交货价 
Ex Ship 目的港船上交货价 
Ex Dock Duty Paid 目的港码头完税交货价 
Ex Dock Duty Unpaid 目的港码头未完税交货价 

Additional Words and Phrases 
buying price 买价 
selling price 卖价 
new price 新价 
old price 旧价 
present price 现价 
original price 原价 
current price 时价,现价 
prevailing price 现价 
ruling price 目前的价格 
going price 现价 
opening price 开价,开盘价 
closing price 收盘价 
exceptional price 特价 
special price 特价 
nominal price 有行无市的价格 
moderate price 公平价格 
wholesale price 批发价 
retail price 零售价 
market price 市价 
net price 净价 
cost price 成本价 
gross price 毛价 
price effect 价格效应 
price contract 价格合约 
price calculation 价格计算 
price limit 价格限制 
price control 价格控制 
price theory 价格理论 
price regulation 价格调整 
price structure 价格构成 
price support 价格支持 
bargain 讨价还价 
extra price 附加价 
price ratio 比价 
price per unit 单价 
price index或price indices 物价指数 
price of factory 厂价

第一卷 第四章
The goods are available in different qualities。 
Nothing wrong will happen; so long as the quality of your article is good。 
If the quality of your products is satisfactory; we may place regular orders。 
If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory; large repeats will follow。 
There is no marked qualitative difference between the two。 
We sincerely hope the quality are in conformity with the contract stipulations。 
As long as the quality is good; it hardly matters if the price is a little bit higher。 
Prices are fixed acomording to their quality; aren''t they? 
The transferee must see to it that the quality of the product is maintained。 
Our Certificate of Quality is made valid by means of the official seal。 
We''ll improve the quality of our products and production efficiency。 
They are fully qualified to pass opinions on the quality of this merchandise。 
We would like to have you offer us 100 metric tons; quality same as last。 
We find the quality suitable (unsuitable) for our market。 
We always have faith in the quality of your products。 
Words and Phrases 
quality 质量,品质 
qualitative 质量的 
qualitatively 在质量上 
quality clause 品质条款 
quality certificate 品质证明书 
quality of export and import commodities 进出口商品质量 
good merchantable quality 全销质量 
to be in conformity with 与。。。一致 
transferer 转让者 
transferee 受让者 


This is a quality product。 
Those overcoats are of good quality and nice colour。 
Our quartz technique is well known in the world; and we believe our watches are of fine quality。 
Our price is a little bit higher; but the quality of our products is better。 
Your goods are superior in quality compared with those of other manufacturers。 
The equipment are of good quality and very useful。 
Our products are very good in quality; and the price is low。 
We have received the goods you send us; the quality is excellent。 
Words and Phrases 
good quality 好质量 
fine quality 优质 
better quality 较好质量 
high quality 高质量 
fair quality 尚好的质量 
sound quality 完好的质量 
best quality 最好的质量 
superior quality 优等的质量 
choice quality或selected quality 精选的质量 
prime quality 或 tip…top quality 第一流的质量 
first…class quality 或 first…rate quality 头等的质量 
above the average quality 一般水平以上的质量 
below the average quality 一般水平以下的质量 
common quality 一般质量 
standard quality 标准质量 
usual quality 通常的质量 
popular quality 大众化的质量 
uniform quality 一律的质量 
average quality 平均质量 
fair average quality (f。a。q。) 大路货 
We are responsible to replace the defective ones。 
It''s really something wrong with the quality of this consignment of bicycles。 
I regret this quality problem。 
We hope that you''ll pay more attention to the quality of your goods in the future。 
The workings of these machines are inacomurate。 
Upon arrival; we found the shipment of wool was of poor quality。 
The quality of the fertilizer is inferior to that stipulated in the contract。 
The quality of this article cannot qualify for first…class。 
If you find the quality of our products unsatisfactory; we''re prepared to acomept return of the rejected material within a week。 
More than 300 watches are not up to standard。 
Words and Phrases 
bad quality 劣质 
low quality 低质量 
inferior quality 次质量 
to be responsible for 对。。。负责 
inacomurate 不精确的 
poor quality 质量较差 
to be inferior to 次于。。。 
first…class 一等品 
unsatisfactory 不满意的 
We''ve received the sample which you sent us last Sunday。 
We''ve got here our sales samples Type 1。 and Type 2。 
Our quality is based solely on our sales samples。 
We sell goods as per the sales sample; not the quality of any 

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